The Jadara Organisation is a home for useful projects and pet ideas as well as other useful services for its members.
This design & content are by the Jadara Organisation and are © 2010 - 2024, with any exceptions listed below. All rights reserved.
Layout. This layout is used for December. and called "December". It's possible the name is the same as the period it's used for. Layouts typically change every month with one-off layouts for 'special' days.
Background: "Autumns Glow Pattern" by bmwbro2, via ColourLovers (Link). Licensed under Creative Commons.
Font: "Molengo" by Denis Jacquerye, via Google Code Webfonts (Link). Licensed with SIL Open Font License, 1.1
EU Cookie Law pop up. Papertank Cookie. Papertank's mimialistic solution. (Source)